Make an
impact today

Generosity is an act of worship. God is doing amazing things in our own backyard, nation, and around the world.

How to give

You can use our secure platform to quickly and easily give. Thank you for your generosity!

other Ways to give:

Give by Mail

Neon Life Church • 200 S. Oakridge Drive Suite 101-538 • Weatherford, TX 76087

Use the App

Download the safe and secure easyTithe app to your mobile device and follow the simple setup instructions to get started. (Download to iPhone or Google.)

Text to Give

Giving is as easy as sending a text, not to mention safe, secure, and simple.

Text any amount (e.g. $100) to (817) 382-325

Why we give?

God tells us in His Word that He loves a cheerful giver, which is why we always want to create opportunities to give as He leads us with a cheerful heart, through no obligation. Through your faithful giving, we are making an eternal impact across the world, helping more people hear the life-giving message of Jesus.

For more surrounding the principle of giving, here is a Sunday message to watch.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10

The generosity of Neon Life members has allowed us to send funds and resource materials to locations in our city, our nation, and around the globe to make a difference for God's Kingdom.

We are honored to help support the following organizations


National & Global

Being generous with all that God has given us is one of the many ways we worship. Learn more about how you can get involved in our community outreach efforts and use your time, talents, and resources to make a difference.