
  • The Art of Marriage by Family Life

  • As Long As We Both Shall Live by Jimmy Evans

  • Becoming One by Jimmy Evans

  • Before I Do by K. Jason Krasfsky

  • Before Saying I Do by Joe McGee

  • The Blessing by John Trent

  • Couples Who Pray by Squire Rushnell and Louise Du ARt

  • Every Great Marriage by Jimmy Evans

  • Experiencing God's Dream for Your Marriage by Chip Ingram

  • The Fig Leaf Conspiracy by Jimmy Evans

  • Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

  • The Five Sex Needs of Men and Women by Dr. Gary and Mary Rosenberg

  • From Anger to Intimacy by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham

  • From This Day Forward by Craig and Amy Groeshel

  • God In Our Relationships the Difference Maker by Rey D Arms

  • Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken by Cindy Beall

  • The Hurt Pocket by Jimmy Evans

  • The Indestructible Marriage by Jimmy Evans

  • The Keys to Sexual Fulfillment in a Marriage by Jimmy Evans

  • Let's Get Real by Dale and Jena Forehand

  • Lifelong Love Affair by Jimmy Evans

  • Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerich

  • Love and Sex Communication by Jimmy Evans

  • Love Story by Christ Hodges (DVD Curriculum)

  • Love Talk by Les and Leslie Parrott

  • Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans

  • The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Gary Chapman

  • A Mind Set Free by Jimmy Evans

  • Mountain Top Marriage by Gary Thomas

  • Our Hardcore Battle Plan for Wives (winning the war against pornography) by Jay Dennis / Cathy Dyer

  • Our Secret Paradise by Jimmy Evans

  • The Overcoming Life by Jimmy Evans

  • Return to Intimacy by Jimmy Evans

  • Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

  • Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts by Les & Leslie Parrot

  • The Secret to the Marriage You Want by Les & Leslie Parrot

  • Sexy Christians by John and Lisa Bevere

  • A Time to Gather by Sally John and Gary Smalley

  • Trading Places: The Secret to the Marriage You Want by Les & Leslie Parrot

  • You, Me and Money by Jimmy Evans